26.11.2018 | The final PluSport Cup with a surprise

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It's the last one of this year - the PluSport Cup at the GoEasy Arena in Siggenthal. Some sixteen football teams for adults and six for teens are playing with the aim of taking home the cup in their category.

But that's not all. With Christmas just around, there's a surprise in store for the players: Aimery Pinga and Cédric Zesiger, two players from the Grasshopper Club Zurich, have come to the event to talk with participants, answer questions and sign autographs. How was it? More in the video:

Did you miss this year's PluSport Cup? The kick-off for the new year is on 23rd February 2019 at the GoEasy Arena. Come along and spend a day full of energy with great people.

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