31.08.2022 | Get to know our trainees: Victoria Desmarquest

“I meet lots of interesting and knowledgeable people through the traineeship”

Victoria Desmarquest obtained her bachelor's degree in Mathematics at EPFL and her master's degree in Applied Mathematics at ETH Zurich. She joined Axpo in October 2021 as a Trainee Data Science Trading in the Advanced Analytics teams in Trading and Sales. After six months she transferred to the Spot Trading team where she helps on the modelling of an auction bidding algorithm. For her third and final assignment Victoria will move to New York City to work with the Axpo US Quant Analysis team.  

Victoria Desmarquest

Function: Trainee Data Science Trading

Background: MSc in Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich  

Assignments: Advanced Analytics T&S, Spot Trading, Quantitative Analysis & IT (Axpo US)

Why did you start your traineeship at Axpo?

I am very interested in the energy sector because of its crucial role in the fight for climate change, its numerous challenges, and its strategic importance for global economies and countries’ interdependencies. This, along with the technical aspects of the role (such as the complexity of energy markets) and being able to use data sciences tools and techniques to tackle the challenges, were some of the main reasons I joined Axpo as a trainee.

What are the benefits of a traineeship from your perspective?
The traineeship gives me the opportunity to work on different projects with different teams. I learn about different departments’ ways of working, including their incentives and methods to leverage various projects. It helps me to gain perspective and have a broader picture of the problems we’re tackling.

Can you tell us more about the different rotations and projects during your traineeship?

During my first rotation with Advanced Analytics I worked on a forecast model for electricity prices. In my second rotation, in the Spot Trading team, my main project involved helping on the modelling of an auction bidding algorithm. In the third rotation, I will work in the Axpo US office in New York, I will work on a load forecast model.

What mark did you leave behind during your traineeship? What is your “foot print”?  

I’m proud of the friendships I’ve made. There are so many interesting people at Axpo from whom we can learn, and with whom we can collaborate. It’s a privilege that all trainees should make the most of.

What is a typical day at work as a trainee at Axpo (highlights of your working day)?

I learn lots, use new tools and techniques, meet new people and try to ask as many questions as possible. I also meet from time to time with other trainees, and it’s great to hear about what the company is doing in different departments.

What was something you didn’t know before you started working at Axpo?

A lot of things! For example, I was unaware of how electricity markets work, such as how the different rules and designs are created to incentivize certain behaviors among the participants.

What can you apply in your daily work, that you learned at university?

When working as a Trainee Data Scientist, it is very crucial to have a good understanding of statistical and probabilistic main concepts and tools.

What do you recommend to graduates for their career start?

Don’t be afraid of accepting new challenges, or asking lots of questions.

Did Victoria’s experience with her traineeship at Axpo spark your curiosity? You can find more information about it here. We look forward to hopefully meeting you during the recruitment process.

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