01.09.2022 | Switzerland's largest alpine solar plant fully operational

3.3 gigawatt hours of winter electricity

Jeanette Schranz




The construction of Switzerland's largest alpine solar plant has been completed. AlpinSolar will produce three times more electricity in winter than a comparable plant in the Swiss midlands, benefitting from reflections off the snow and its location above the fog. The plant makes an important contribution to the energy transition and and supply solar power to counteract the winter power gap.

The plant has been fully operational since the end of August 2022. The pioneering AlpinSolar project produces 3.3 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year - half of it in winter. So we use solar energy at any time of year and despite the sea of fog.

The time-lapse of AlpinSolar shows the entire construction phase up to full commissioning

Further information on Axpo's pioneering project at www.axpo.com/alpinesolar

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