05.10.2017 | Axpo apprentice and passionate athlete

A spectacular hobby

Fabian Gärtner is doing an apprenticeship as an electronics engineer at Axpo. In addition to his daily commitments at school and work, he spends as much time as possible on the mountain bike course in Leibstadt practicing for 4cross races.

Steep starts, spectacular jumps and difficult banked curves - that's 4cross. The idea is to get through the course in the same time as three other competitors. Fabian Gärtner, electronics technician apprentice at Axpo, has been doing this sport for five years and has already competed in the 4cross world championships. The sport offers spectacular images - see for yourself, go to the video here:


Fabian Gärtner

Fäbu, Fabi, Fabsel


Describe yourself in three words:
Competitive, funny and slightly stubborn

The labels on bottles don't last 10 minutes - I just have to scrape them off.

Special skills/talents:
Chowing down lunch in record time

What would you do if you won 1 million francs?
Fill my garage with bikes

What could you never do without?
Swedish torte

What could you do without?
French class

A Pokemon *laughs*

What have you always wanted to do?
Bungee Jumping

No Risk, no Fun!

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