03.02.2020 | This is how Axpo contributes towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals

Renewable – climate-friendly – smart

Through climate-friendly electricity production and the provision of innovative services such as customised power purchase agreements (PPAs), Axpo is playing a key role in achieving the Sus-tainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are Axpo’s main priority, is provided below.

Axpo is committed to climate-friendly electricity production 

Climate-friendly or even completely CO2-free electricity production is the key to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, because this can “decarbonise” the “mobility” and “heat” sectors, making them greenhouse gas-free. The average greenhouse gas intensity of electricity production in Europe has fallen markedly in the last few years, but it still stands at around 300g CO2/kWh. Under the Paris Agreement, all UN Member States have committed to keeping the increase in the global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius. This results in reduction pathways for greenhouse gas intensity from electricity production.

  • Axpo’s contribution to SDG goal 13.2 “Climate change measures”: Axpo’s global electricity production mix is already very climate-friendly – due in part to nuclear power – and at approx. 100g CO2/kWh is around three times lower than the current European average. This CO2 output is attributable mainly to the operation of the company’s gas-fired combined-cycle power plants in Italy, which have emitted an average of around 3 million tonnes of CO2 p.a. in recent years. These power plants are used to stabilise the electricity grid. Despite the CO2 emissions men-tioned above, the Axpo mix is already roughly at the level targeted for Europe by 2035. With its climate-friendly electricity production mix, Axpo is thus making a contribution to meeting this SDG in Switzerland and in Europe.
Axpo improves energy efficiency 

Axpo is committed to energy efficiency improvements in four areas: production increases in power plants; reductions in electricity transmission losses; reductions in consumption in the operation of its own buildings; and reductions in consumption by customers thanks to energy efficiency services.

  • Axpo’s contribution to SDG 7.3 “By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency”: Over the past six years, Axpo has achieved cumulative energy efficiency improvements of around 90 GWh. This volume of electricity saved corresponds to the requirement of a small town such as Meilen of around 80 GWh. By implementing energy efficiency measures in these four areas, Axpo is making a significant contribution to achieving this SDG.
Axpo expands renewable energies 

Axpo is the largest Swiss producer of renewable energy. With the acquisition of wind farm developer Volkswind in 2015 and photovoltaic company Urbasolar last year, Axpo has strengthened its activities in the field of renewable energies.

  • Axpo’s contribution to SDGs 7.2 “Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix” and 13.2 “Climate change measures”: Since the 2014/15 financial year Axpo has expanded its own portfolio of wind, solar and biomass energy from 350 MW to 620 MW. In addition, Axpo successfully offers investors in renewable energies long-term power purchase agreements, resulting in the addition of new capacities to date totalling 770 MW. Marketing around 15.5 GW of renewable energy on behalf of customers supports their profitable operation and helps these technologies achieve a breakthrough. In this way, Axpo is making a contribution to meeting the SDGs mentioned above.
Axpo offers customers smart energy solutions 

Axpo is responding to the trend towards increasingly decentralised and intelligently controllable elements in the energy system with numerous products and services, both in Switzerland (mostly via its subsidiary CKW), as well as in other European countries.

  • Axpo’s contribution to SDGs 9.4 “Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries” and 12.2 “Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources”: Axpo is pursuing projects in Europe and Switzerland to install combined heat and power plants, energy-saving boilers, photovoltaic/battery systems, heat pumps and LED luminaires. Axpo is also involved in e-mobility projects that help save fuel, as well as in large battery storage facilities and smart building/site products where planning for heat and electricity is provided from a single source. Through such tailor-made and innovative energy solutions for private and business customers, which help save energy and reduce emissions, Axpo is contributing to achieving these SDGs.

Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 in 2015. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with their 169 sub-goals are at the heart of Agenda 2030. These goals are to be implemented by 2030 by all UN Member States, including Switzerland. The private sector, and in particular energy companies, play a crucial role in this regard, because sustainable energy production is the key to achieving the targets of various SDGs.

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