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Axpo CFO Martin Schwab appointed as new CEO of Axpo subsidiary CKW


26.01.2018 - Martin Schwab, the CFO of Axpo Holding AG, will take over operative management of Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG (CKW) on 3 April 2018. Schwab (51) succeeds Felix Graf, who – as previously communicated – will become the CEO of the NZZ Media Group. Martin Schwab, who has been the Chief Financial Officer of Axpo Holding AG since 2011, developed and optimised Axpo's financial structure and successfully managed various strategic projects.

"I am pleased to have found the best-qualified successor among the Axpo ranks with Martin Schwab," said CKW Chairman of the Board and Axpo CEO Andrew Walo. "As an experienced manager with a strong personality, he has all the strategic and operative competences required to continue the successful development of the CKW Group."

The father of three is a citizen of Bern and lives in the Canton of Lucerne. Before being appointed as the Axpo CFO, Martin Schwab was the Chief Financial Officer of the Selecta Group. Schwab looks forward to the new challenge: "Thanks to my 7 years of experience at Axpo Holding and as a member of the CKW Board of Directors since 2012, I understand CKW's strategic challenges. In recent years, CKW has consistently and successfully aligned itself to customer needs and developed new business fields in a challenging environment. Together with my CKW colleagues, I will get to work on the new tasks with enthusiasm and energy."

As the CEO of CKW, Martin Schwab will remain a member of the Axpo Executive Board. The recruitment process for the vacant Axpo CFO position will be initiated immediately. As of April 2018, Ulrich Erkens, Head of Financial Projects, will temporarily manage the finance area of the Axpo Group.

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