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Cooperations Cooperations

With partnerships, we promote innovative strength – our own and that of our partners. New things are created when different ideas and opinions meet. This is why we support projects such as the InnovAARE park and work together with universities.  

Research and Innovation

Axpo is a shareholder in the InnovAARE innovation park in Villigen, Aargau, right next to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The park was created under the auspices of the Canton of Aargau and PSI to bundle cutting-edge research and entrepreneurial innovation.

Local roots, global reach

Companies like Axpo that are involved in the innovAARE park benefit from PSI's cutting-edge research and unique infrastructure. As the largest public research centre in Switzerland, PSI has an excellent international network. Educational institutions such as the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW in Brugg/Windisch and the High-Tech Centre Aargau in Brugg are in the immediate vicinity.

The park concentrates on four main areas of innovation:

  • Energy
  • People and health
  • Advanced materials and processes
  • Accelerator technologies

Innovation focus on energy

The priority of the energy focus is on the development of technologies and processes for the use of renewable energy sources, on the low-emission conversion of energy, and on secure, reliable energy supply.

Energy innovation topics:

  • Fuel cells and electrolysis
  • Biomass conversion and catalytic processes
  • Power-to-gas
  • Energy storage and flexible feed-in
  • The 'Energy System Integration' platform
  • Energy scenarios
  • The 'Energy Strategy 2050'

Partnerships with universities

Axpo is actively tackling energy market challenges and mastering them together with universities, students and research institutions. This goal unites us.

Axpo has been working with ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich on various research projects for years. In the exchange with highly qualified experts from both universities, we are able to implement research projects in areas such as modelling and quantitative models.

Knowledge transfer between theory and practice

Young researchers are important to us: Students can complete an internship or write their diploma thesis at Axpo. This close cooperation simplifies the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge and combines theory with practice.

Quantitative Finance

The focus is on cooperation with the specialised Master's programme in 'Quantitative Finance' offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Zurich and the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich. The programme is the core element of the Center of Competence Finance in Zurich.

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