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Portrait Axpo in Switzerland

Axpo is the largest power producer in Switzerland. And thanks to investments in solar and wind farms, as well as biomass and hydropower plants, we are also by far the largest Swiss producer of renewable energies. Together with our partners, we operate more than 100 power plants. Our climate-friendly Swiss electricity mix of hydropower, wind, PV, biomass and nuclear energy is characterized by very low CO2 emissions.

The power behind power

What do televisions, street lamps or smartphones have in common? You need electricity and depend on a reliable energy source. To ensure that this works for millions of people, always and everywhere, our employees give everything. They operate complex systems so that electricity flows - around the clock, all year round.

Immer eingeschaltet

Power begins with a steady supply of electricity. Around the clock, power plants must produce the exact amount of electricity drawn from the power grid. If it didn’t, the system would collapse. Power plants that can continuously feed the power grid with adjustable outputs are essential if the system is to run seamlessly.

The Power of Renewables

Axpo is the largest power producer in Switzerland and produces more than half of the country's renewable power from hydropower. Axpo is also pushing forward the expansion of solar energy and is planning around 4,200 PV projects by 2030. Axpo is also strong internationally in renewable energies.

Reliable energy systems

A secure power supply is a complex overall system in which many factors have to work together. Storage power plants retain large amounts of water and can be started up in just a few minutes. Run-of-river and nuclear power plants provide valuable band energy, i.e. electricity that is available at any time of day, night and year. Solar energy, wind power and electricity from biomass round off the CO2-neutral electricity mix. The power grid is also central to a secure power supply. The constant modernization and expansion of this entire system is therefore one of our priorities.

Leading the transition

To power a sustainable future, we manage a comprehensive portfolio of power plants, from hydropower and biomass to solar and wind. In fact, we are Switzerland’s largest producer of renewable energy. While our tried and tested nuclear power plants provide a reliable supply of climate-friendly, CO2-free energy, we are also constantly expanding our renewable energy capabilities.

Powering tomorrow’s energy marketplaces

The energy world is developing at a rapid pace. We are enthusiastically following this path and developing innovative energy solutions. Tailored energy procurement contracts, the first digital hydroelectric power plants or trading platforms that use AI and machine learning to ensure optimal energy supply - today and in the future.

Always close to customers

Axpo focuses on customer proximity not only in Switzerland, but also internationally: We are present in over 30 countries and in over 40 markets in Europe, North America and Asia. Axpo is one of Europe's leading energy traders and has one of the largest portfolios of renewable energies on the market.

The Axpo Group Structure

The Axpo Group includes Axpo Holding AG, based in Baden, and its subsidiaries Axpo Power AG, Axpo Solutions AG and CKW AG. Axpo is wholly owned by the cantons and cantonal utilities of north-eastern Switzerland.