Ethics & Compliance Fulfilling high expectations

Axpo has a responsibility to fulfil the ever-increasing regulatory requirements while also operating in a way that meets the high expectations of all stakeholders. Thus we are committed to conduct business with a high level of integrity and in accordance with ethical standards.

Compliance (adherence to laws, integrity and ethics) is non-negotiable and cannot be delegated. All employees and executive bodies of the company therefore have a duty to ensure that their behaviour as a representative of Axpo does not violate any laws, basic ethical principles or internal rules. Our managers lead by example in this respect.

Compliance at Axpo

At Axpo, Compliance reports directly to the Chief Operation Officer (COO) and manages the Group-wide compliance organisation in the Axpo Group. There is direct access to both the CEO and the Board of Directors/ Chairman of the Board of Directors as well as to the Audit and Finance Committee of Axpo Holding. 

Axpo's compliance department consists of a team at the Baden office and designated compliance officers in foreign subsidiaries of the holding company.

Ethics & Compliance manages the Group-wide compliance organisation and ensures the implementation of the Axpo Group's compliance strategy and targets by means of the management, implementation and continuous further development of Group-wide compliance programs. The main components of this compliance programme are the identification, evaluation and mitigation of compliance risks and the sensitisation of management and employees through continuous training and education. 

Ethics & Compliance is the central unit for enforcing comprehensive compliance. It advises the units and employees on all compliance issues and is a contact point for reporting suspected violations of laws, the Code of Conduct or other internal regulations and for other concerns or information. Axpo has an ethics hotline, which can also be used to make these reports anonymously.

More about us

Principles & Code of Conduct

Our business principles are part of our identity and our Code of Conduct.

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Values & Strategy

For a sustainable energy supply: Purpose, Values and Strategy.

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Axpo Group

We produce, trade and distribute energy in Switzerland and internationally.

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