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04.12.2023 | In alpine, midland and urban areas

Axpo accelerates Swiss solar initiative

Jeanette Schranz




The Axpo solar initiative in Switzerland ranges from innovative Alpine projects to ground-mounted systems in the Swiss midlands. This wide range of pro-jects illustrates our commitment to a sustainable and renewable energy fu-ture. During the reporting period, progress was seen in four Alpine projects and the installation of more than 700 roof-mounted solar systems.

The NalpSolar and Okra Solara Magriel Alpine solar projects are in the canton of Graubünden and shining examples of Axpo’s ambitious solar initiative. Both projects have already been approved by voters and are ready to progress to the next stage of the process, which will consider their environmental compatibility and potential profit-ability. They also demonstrate the importance of cooperation with our local partners and municipalities.

Public approves NalpSolar and Ovra Solara Magriel projects

The NalpSolar project is a ground-mounted system with a planned installed capacity of around 10 MWp. Close to the Nalps reservoir in the Graubünden canton, plans have already been approved by voters and are now being further developed as part of the Axpo solar initiative. Once the plant is built, it will deliver around 13 GWh of electricity a year, comparable to the electricity needs of around 3,000 Swiss households. 

Ovra Solara Magriel is another Alpine solar project that has met with the approval of the local population. Situated in the Disentis ski resort, also in the canton of Graubünden, this ground-mounted system will have an installed capacity of around 10 MWp, helping power the resort’s mountain railways entirely from sustainable solar electricity. The system will be located at an altitude of 2,100 metres, close to the peak of La Muotta, and benefit from existing infrastructure including the local power grid. The plant will produce around 17 GWh annually, equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 4,000 households. 

Construction of both projects is planned for spring 2025, with the first partial commissioning in autumn of that year, followed by full commissioning later. Both solar plants will provide plentiful electricity for the region and contribute to local value creation, particularly during the winter months.

This Axpo solar plant will one day supply the mountain railways in the Disentis ski area entirely with sustainable solar power

Close cooperation with local partners and municipalities

The successful implementation of Axpo’s solar initiative would not be possible without close cooperation with local partners and municipalities. This is also the case in the third project – Alpin Solar Ybrig in the Schwyz canton – where Axpo, partnering with local energy supplier EWS AG, plans to construct a ground-mounted system delivering 9 MWp. This facility, which will make an important contribution to the region’s elec-tricity supply during the winter, also has support from the local authority and land-owner.

Solar energy is not only Alpine; it’s urban too

The Axpo solar initiative goes far beyond these Alpine solar projects, however, and includes the expansion of renewable energies in the Swiss midlands. With our subsidi-ary CKW, Axpo already installs more than 700 roof-mounted systems a year in Swit-zerland and intends to keep up this ambitious pace. The projects not only include solar plants on single-family homes, but also large roof-mounted systems on industrial buildings. 

In addition to roof-mounted systems, Axpo is also planning the expansion of ground-mounted systems in the midlands. Such systems have already been implemented successfully at substations, and more are planned for the coming months and years. These projects will not only contribute to meeting the demand for sustainable electrici-ty in urban regions, but also help accelerate the energy transition across Switzerland.

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