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Partners & suppliers Partners & suppliers

Quality is a high priority for Axpo. In selecting our partners and suppliers we not only look at innovative products and reliable services, but also at timely delivery and competitive prices. In turn, we offer a fair, long-term partnership.

Code of Conduct

Axpo focuses on sustainability in supplier selection. For this reason, we have developed a Codex for Business Partners which is an integral part of general terms and conditions of procurement and business and rely on the globally standardises EcoVadis-Rating (www.ecovadis.com).

By signing the Codex, our business partners expressly commit to complying with the guiding principles for a sustainable, ethical, law-abiding conduct. We monitor this through, among other things, the EcoVadis rating of our suppliers.


Our General Terms of Business are the basis for contracts between Axpo and suppliers. They apply to the procurement of material, equipment and services. Specific legal and commercial contract terms are covered in framework and individual agreements.

The following GTBs replace all previous versions:

Responsible Supply Chain


Complex global supply chains are a major lever for making progress globally towards sustainable development. We therefore rely on cooperation and collaboration with all business partners and demand compliance with recognised ecological and social standards. We require our suppliers to act in accordance with the law and to comply with Axpo’s code for business partners. Therein, they commit to taking responsibility for sustainability ssues. The focus is on topics such as

  • Respect for human rights
  • Good working conditions
  • Fair competition
  • Environmental protection and
  • Anti-corruption.

All (new) Axpo Group suppliers must complete a self-declaration that also includes aspects concerning sustainability. We also have a partnership with EcoVadis (www.ecovadis.com). The platform enables us to assess suppliers’ sustainability performance more systematically, derive improvements and track effectiveness.